Sunday, July 8, 2018

'Actually,' This May Be the Best 'Actually' Quote of the Year Thus Far

(July 11, 2018) -- This is actually an actual person's quote from an actual "news" story in Southwest Florida.

"We actually had a person making fireworks a few years ago that actually lost parts of his actual body."

We cannot make this stuff up.

Fireworks Safety Talk From Cape Coral Police

As Cape Coral Home Development Booms, Building Permit Wait Times Increase

Build One Building in Cape Coral, Florida 
(July 10, 2018) -- If you're thinking about building your dream home in Cape Coral, be sure to talk with your home builder about the potential for increased wait times in obtaining the necessary building permit.

At least one long-time, family owned home builder in Cape Coral has noticed the wait times for obtaining a permit has increased twofold as the city once again is experiencing a building boom.
It is reported that the city is on track to issue more than 2,000 permits foe home building in 2018.

Cape Coral Poreprty Valuations Increase -- Again

(July 9, 2018) -- The overall taxable property valuation in the city of Cape Coral increased 8.49 percent compared to last year, according to the Lee County Tax Appraiser's office.

The final figures are being sent to state officials in Tallahassee for final approval. Truth in Millage (TRIM) notices will then be mailed to property owners in August.

Cape Coral property owners will then have 25 days to resolve any disagreement in value with the property appraiser.

Cape Coral Property Valuations 2018

Cape Cops Looking for New Recruits

If you've always thought about trying to become a cop with the City of Cape Coral Police Department, this may be your chance. 

The City of Cape Coral is looking to fill vacant job positions through the end of July. 

Cape Coral Police Hiring 

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Hurricane Season in Florida

June 3, 2017 -- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Hurricane Center in
Miami says Floridians and visitors to the Sunshine State should know it is on track for a slightly average to above average hurricane season.
NOAA, forecasters predict:

  • 35 percent chance of an above-normal season
  • 40 percent chance of a fairly normal season
  • 25 percent chance of a below-average season
Forecasters also see a 70 percent likelihood of 10 to 16 named storms (winds 39 mph or higher), in which five to nine could become hurricanes (74 mph winds or higher), with one to four major hurricanes evolving (Category 3 or higher, 111 mph-plus winds).